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The start of a healthier me!

Well where do I start, I guess I was a typicak guy eating rubbish and not actally thining about his health. When I hit 40 I looked in the mirror looked at my body and didnt like what I saw. My belly was huge and i had love handles and the draws to match. As you can see from my picture below its not a pretty site.

So what did I do about ? Well i researched a few of these quick fix dvd's and a few other products. Tried a couple and wasted alot of money for nothing. A friend suggested I try Forever Living C9. I looked at the reults of people posting results and thought no chance. Reading more and more into it and looking at other peoples stories about C9 I decided to give it a try.

I received my pack and away I went. Its not a slimming product but it does help you lose weight and inches. I was shocked in 3 days I had lost 12lbs and a total of 6 inches.

I now feel healthier and I have changed the way I eat. I eat clean food now and love it. It's given me more engergy and i feel so much better.

So I f I can recommend and kind of cleanse or a help to a healthier you then this is a the best start ive come across.

If you would like to know more about my journey on Foreve Living please feel free to ask. Im a real guy who just wanted to get healthy.

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