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Clean 9 Cleanse: An Introduction

Today is the my first day of a nine day cleanse called the CLEAN 9 CLEANSE. Have you ever heard of it? Perhaps you've tried it already. How did it work for you? It has worked remarkably well for some of my friends and work colleagues which is why I've decided to give it a bash. Six weeks until my much anticipated trip to California and some of my white bits are proving a tad too wobbly for my liking!

You'll know if you read THIS post on diet pills that I'm naturally suspicious and skeptical when it comes to detoxes and diets which promise incredible results in a short space of time. If something seems too good to be true then chances are it is. But after a conversation last week with Clare, friend and work colleague, I was intrigued to find out more about Clean 9, what it involves and what results I could expect. Clare explained that her mum had done it a few times and swears by it. Her most recent cleanse came to an end a couple of weeks ago and Mummy Cadwallader (for that is what I call Clare's mum) shed a very respectable 11 pounds in nine days. Her goal? To fit into all of her summer clothes for a trip to Tenerife over half-term and that's exactly what she did.

As much as I trust Mummy Cadwallader and her judgement I decided to investigate a bit further - eleven pounds in 9 days sounded like an awful lot to me. Was it a healthy weight loss? Would the weight just jump back on once the cleanse was completed? I was surprised to find that Clean 9 reviews are overwhelmingly positive and even more surprised to read that for many people the weight has stayed off since it proved to be the ideal quick kick start to a healthier lifestyle.

So what does it involve exactly?

As the name suggests it's a nine day plan which is one of the main reasons it appeals to me. I once embarked upon the Lighter Life program and lasted less than a week as I simply did not possess the will power to commit to 100 days of meal replacements. That's about 90 days too long in my opinion.


A few days after paying £108.98 and placing your order the "goodies" will arrive in this handy, dandy portable box:

Inside the handy, dandy portable box you will find the following:


* Cleanses the digestive system * Improves absorption of nutrients * Helps metabolic disorders

Forever Lite Ultra Shake

*Meal replacement

*Therm Tablets *Contains 18 amino acids *Two servings provides the daily intake of soluble and insoluble fibre needed to regulate the release of nutrients. Basically, keeps you regular! *Fructose is used as a natural sugar to assist in keeping blood sugar levels balanced.

Garcinia Plus

*works on exisiting fats by inhibiting the enzymes which convert calories into fat *makes us feel fuller and less inclined to snack *contains chromium which builds muscle, balances blood sugar levels and lowers the production of cholesterol and fatty acids *boosts your metabolic rate

Days 1 and 2 will be tough, there is no doubt about it, but it's meant to be much easier on days 3-9 when the 600 calorie meal is introduced. I'm quite nervous to get started if I'm being entirely honest - I'm renowned more for my cakes than my willpower.

So let me know how you go and post your comments below.

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